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Grandma Trapped in a Box?


                         Grandma Trapped in a Box?

     When I was a small child, televisions were just invented and a novelty. My parents delayed buying one, preferring to keep their family innocent of the television-programming world, but they finally gave in, when I was spending more time at my friends' home than my own, because we could watch their television. As a small child of four years old, I first thought that the person on television could see me, the same way that I could see them. My parents were amused and explained that only I could see the television personality (and not vice versa), which did make me relax, even at 4 years old, to know that if I were sitting in my pajamas, I would not be seen by the television studio.
     However, 50 years later, voila! This is no longer true. I now have two precious little granddaughters, who I am able to talk to regularly by skype. Skype is a computer program, that allows people to talk, while they see each other by video camera. So, now we have "television", in which both parties can see each other.
     On the first conversion with my 2 3/4 year old granddaughter, she expressed concern that her grandmother was in a "box" and she wanted to rescue me! The 10-month old granddaughter exclaimed with delight and danced, as I sang nursery rhymes and talked to her. I noticed that she did this also, when watching her favorite show, Elmo, and so I was completing with the television entertainment industry. What a delightful role for grandma, to replace the cartoon and Sesame Street characters! The laughter and joy on her precious little face was well-worth it!
     In a slightly different way, our Heavenly Father seeks to communicate with us in whatever way He can, delighting in us. But unlike our precious children, who benefit from educational television, we need to make Him our primary focus, and not have Him compete with all the cares and concerns of the world. Let us give Him the joy of seeing us dancing and rejoicing in our fellowship with Him. And let us not try to put Him in a box, for it will never hold Him.